Wednesday, September 7, 2011

My New Year's Resolution

It's September so I figured it was time to make and keep a resolution. I will blog more. I will blog more because I want to make sure I am capturing the moments in Avery's life that I swear I will never forget but know someday I will. If you ask my mom the cute things I did when I was three I swear she just makes them up, because she doesn't remember.  So I promise to carry my camera more, blog more and then print out the posts for Avery. So you better become a follower of this if you're as nosy as I am and need to know what's going on. Just stalk me, like I do to Kelle Hampton. If you don't know about Kelle then click on the link and catch up.  Then you may be able to join our stalker fan club that Marissa and I created. To become a member you have to read at least 40 posts to catch up then check her site every 2 days for new posts. Then google Isle of Capri and become familiar with the location....more to come on that.

My friend introduced me to picnik, which is not a new thing but new to me. So now I am having fun with my pictures, which tells a better story than words.

This is Avery's concentration tongue. Whenever she is really into something her tongue comes out. I used to do the exact same thing so at least she got something from me. She continues to play school each and everyday. She takes what she learns from her school and brings it into her playroom. Her kids in her fake class are all named by her. We have: Big Baby, Purple Baby, Little Woody, Olivia, Patrick (which is a girl doll), the infamous Jack and Nolan (which are also girls minus pants), Meerkat, Old Swim Baby, New Swim Baby, Old Teddy Bear, New Teddy Bear, Tangled, Rudolph, Tiny Eyes, Tiny Eyes' brother, Meredith, Callie, Little Riley, Little Avery,  Dora and of course Baby Daddy.  She loves reading to them and if you see in the background of this picture she gives them all jobs.  The reason why Daddy's name is sideways is because he got in trouble and got a warning. One more time and he loses his job. Today he was light helper.  She will stop what she's doing and yell "Tiny Eyes, that is NOT ok! that's it you get a warning."  When I ask what Tiny Eyes did to receive a warning she tells me that he "pushed Baby Daddy and that's not good choices." Funny, I didn't see Tiny Eyes moves his little plastic body, but ok.

I mean, this is just funny. Teddy Bear was napping with his eye cover! When Olivia gets in trouble she yells "Olivia, get in yours box, OLIVIA, your ear is hanging out, get your ear in your box and you can come out when you make right choices." Poor Olivia, I checked on her the next day and she was still in her box, lid closed and in time out. I wonder what she did to deserve 2 days of box time??
Legs crossed and foot shaking is her new thing. 

My girl is funny. Funny to the point where I LOL everytime she opens her mouth. She has talked for a constant 6 days straight. I will hear Albert from the other room asking "is she still talking?" YEP!  She's a big girl and I'm so proud of this next move she made:
"MOMMY! I need a mag-a-zune". 
Um ok, here ya go I just picked up the latest People Magazine, I guess you can read it first but don't do the crossword puzzle, that's mommy's favorite.
I hear banging, I walk out from her room to see this site

That's just funny stuff!!! It looks like I staged this just so she seems funny, but I don't. This is all her. She gets up tells me she did a dinosaur poop, waves bye bye dinosaur and flushes.  She tells me she went poop poop so she gets "3 monies". I give her 3 quarters for her "poggey bank" and she's as happy as can be.

After a long day of play, we read stories and say thank you to each other for all the fun things we did. it's my favorite part. An hour later I check on her and without fail she is sleeping some sort of craziness. The other night I peeked in and she wasn't in her bed. I had a split second of a Jon Benet situation, but then looked down. Oh, ok if you're more comfortable like that, it's fine with me.

I love my little Stoonks.

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