Friday, September 9, 2011

Sticking to my resolution

So you know how you make a New Year's resolution and you stick to it for like 2 weeks, well I am a few days into my resolution about blogging more and I have already posted 2 posts. You're Welcome.
My Stoonks started gymnastics last week and for whatever cute reason she calls it Massachusetts.  She learned the word from her teacher that was taking a trip there and now everything is Mass-a-ju-jets. It's cute. Yesterday she worked on the balance beam and some pole exercises. My sister asked me if Avery will be flat chested and not get her period until she's 30 like other gymnasts.  Um, from 2 lessons where for half the time they jump on a trampoline, I don't think so Steph!
She really is a natural athlete. Her form and her persistancy really are apparent at gymnastics. I really want her to be athletic. That's the one thing I wish my parents forced me to be. I am hoping she get Albert's athleticism.....but with my smarts =)

You wanna see something cute. She came home from school last week and showed me a picture she drew of "her mommy". She said she used a black crayon because I have black hair. I don't remember wearing a purple dress with yellow sleeves paired with green leggings but ok. I really think the face looks like me, especially the big round Mike Tyson-like nose.  This is a framer.

I hope next week they ask her to color "her daddy". Then we each can have one framed for our nightstands.

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